A Comedy by Neil Simon
January 10-11, 17-19, and 24-26, 2003
Produced in Cooperation with Samuel French, Inc.
This renowned comedy begins with a group of the boys assembled for cards in the apartment of a divorced fellow, and if the mess is any indication, it’s no wonder that his wife left him. Late to arrive is another fellow who, they learn, has just separated from his wife. Since he is very meticulous and tense, they fear he might commit suicide, and so go about locking all the windows. When he arrives, he is scarcely allowed to go to the bathroom alone. As life would have it, the slob bachelor and the meticulous fellow decide to bunk together — with hilarious results.
Director Kim Donovan*
Assistant Director Marybeth Kinnell
Producers Richard Moore and Jeff Ostrowski*
Stage Managers Richard Moore and Jeff Ostrowski
Set Design Richard Moore
Set Construction & Painting John Calder, Gordon Mosley, Paul Vandevert, Marybeth Kinnell, Mark Ripper, Marc Rosati, Jeff Ostrowski, Sarah Blannett, and members of the Stage Committee
Lights & Sound David Reynolds II*
assisted by Paul Vandevert and members of the Lights & Sound Committee
Hair & Make-up Eileen Lopez and Corinne Fine
Costumes Mary Calder*
assisted by the cast, Jeff Ostrowski, and Ceclia Karnes
Special thanks to the Dearborn Police Department
Props Annette Ripper
assisted by the cast
Publicity Cindy Hintz
Programs Philip Booth and Brian Townsend
assisted by Richard Moore and Jeff Ostrowski
Tickets Richard Moore and Bob Jones
Ushers Debbie Pletzer
50/50 & Intermission Kim Donovan
Speed Joe Donovan*
Murray Paul Kriner
Roy Mark Ripper
Vinnie Steve Stokfisz
Oscar Madison J Wayde Miller*
Felix Unger Marc Rosati
Gwendolyn Pigeon Sarah Blannett
Cecily Pigeon Mary Porretta
See Show Photos by – and Courtesy of – Gordon Mosley
* Denotes 2002-2003 PAGE Award Nominee
Cast and Crew Digitized by Mary Stover