by Brian Townsend
June 22-23 and 29-30, 2007
Sponsored by Vanguard Voices
and the Henry Ford Community College Music Department
Pas de Deux – A dance for two, especially a dance in ballet consisting of an entrée and adagio, a variation for each dancer, and a coda. {French : pas, step + de, of, for + deux, two}
Pass the Ducks – A particularly bad pun based on the French pas de demux. Also, the show you are about to see.
What do you do when you’re blessed with a group of amazingly talented performers and an equally talented crew whose main mission is to make you laugh? You corral them, you cajole them, you coerce them with you best Mickey Rooney and say, “Hey, kids! Let’s put on a show!”
Thank you Tom and Stan, for cornering me that fateful day and saying, “You have a show we could do, right?” Thank you, Mr. Moseley, for being a rock and a partner in crime. Thank you Tim, for never being too tired to do one more thing. Thank you, Paul, for taking a seed of idea and cultivating something funny and beautiful. Thank you Alex, Marybeth, Phil, Margaret, Ken, Kori, Emily, Angela, Stan, Jeff, Sydnee, and Tiffany for laughs beyond my paltry scribblings. May we have many more times to make each other smile.
Thank you, audience, for being here. Enjoy yourselves. —Brian Townsend, Playwright/Director
Director, Brian Townsend
Assistant Director, Mike Moseley
Choreographer, Paul Bruce
Producer, Tim Carney
Stage Manager, Tim Carney
assisted by the cast
Lights, Steve Gautreau
assisted by Eugene Fusco, and Phil Booth
Sound, Mike Kinnell
Cinematography, Stan Guarnelo
Set Deconstruction, Rich Merengere, Steve Guatreau, Jeff Flannery, Mike Moseley, and Brian Townsend
Costumes, Sydnee Dombrowski, Mary Calder, and the cast
Properties, Tim Carney, Kevin Rider, Brian Townsend, and the cast
Publicity, Kevin Rider
Programs, Anna Hnatiuk, and Brian Townsend
Special thanks to Kevin Dewey
Tickets, Dina Flannery
Ushers, Members of the Guild
Afterglow, Members of the Guild
50/50 & Intermission, Tim Carney, and Members of the Ways & Means Committee
Kori Bielaniec
Philip Booth
Sydnee Dombrowski
Jeff Flannery
Alex Gojkov
Stan Guarnelo
Marybeth Kinnell
Ken Kilgore
Tiffany Mullins
Angela Keller-Pelc
Emily Tyrybon
Margaret Winowiecki

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Cast and Crew Digitized by Amy Hendrickson