Facilities Planning
Facilities Maintenance Plan for 2021-2022
Building Committee: Phil Booth (chair); David Wood; Chris Boudreau; David Kanclerz; David James; Janeen Bodary; Richard Marengere; Paul Vandevert; John Sczomak (President)
Facilities Maintenance Goal – the Players Guild building and grounds should be safe, comfortable, and energy efficient.
- East Parking Lot Renovation
- Re-flooring of Sub-basement
- Replace Roof over costume room area
- Replace show curtains
- Replace fluorescent lighting with LED lighting (ongoing)
- Reconstitute attic space
- Replace costume room door
- Ramp and lobby renovation
- Paint building exterior
- Fly rail replacements (ongoing)
- Upgrade hearing assists
Accomplishments 2021-2022
- Replaced back stage wall
- Replaced stage floor
- Upgraded show picture and information boards to video monitors