Tech Sunday. Lots of stuff going on at The Players Guild of Dearborn. It’s Tech Sunday. So, here, in no particular order … Cast and crew began assembling around 11:00AM. The way down basement was divided into Women and Men dressing rooms. The stage was cleared of
Read more →The Players Guild of Dearborn was an active place on Saturday, April 20. The cast of the Stephen Sondheim musical, A Little Night Music rehearsed in the Clubroom from Noon until 5:00PM. The orchestra rehearsed in the auditorium from 10:00AM until 2:00PM. The stage crew worked on the
Read more →Ah, community theatre. Ah, Hell Week. Where to begin? The April 18 rehearsal couldn’t be on the stage as the Stage Committee was there in force putting the finishing and, in some cases, beginning touches on set pieces. In a corner of the Clubroom, Stan LaFramboise
Read more →On the stage at last … at least for a partial run through of Act I. Technical Director James Mayne, Director Harold Jurkiewicz, and Scenic Designer Jennifer Masieloff led the cast through the intricacies of the Act I scene changes. Many of the set pieces are
Read more →Everybody Breathe Harold Jurkiewicz, the director for the Players Guild of Dearborn production of Stephen Sondheim’s A Little Night Music put this post on FaceBook early this morning, “Everyone take a deep breath. It’s coming together.” I’ll follow Harold’s lead. Last night’s rehearsal went well. We ran
Read more →Lines During a portion of Sunday’s rehearsal for A Little Night Music I was “on book” and following the script in order to prompt actors who were having trouble with their lines. At the end of the rehearsal I told the cast that I heard some “clever
Read more →Today’s rehearsal for A Little Night Music was frustrating. We still can’t get on the stage because of the construction of set pieces, the work on the drops, etc. There is a huge amount of things to build and paint and, while things are progressing nicely,
Read more →Costumes, Costumes, Costumes Patricia LaFramboise is the Costume Chair for the Players Guild of Dearborn production of Stephen Sondheim’s A Little Night Music. Patricia is an Honorary Member of the Guild having been a member for more than 25 years. She has costumed a number of Guild
Read more →I have to catch up on one item from Sunday’s rehearsal. Henrik (Michael Suchyta of Dearborn) plays the cello in one of the early scenes, practicing a piece. Anne, his step-mother, (Lindsey MacDonald of Canton) says, “Oh, Henrik, dear, don’t you have anything less gloomy to
Read more →During the weekend of April 5, 6, and 7, work continued on the set and set pieces for A Little Night Music at the Players Guild of Dearborn. There is still a lot to be done and some people are beginning to get nervous. This is
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