Director Brian Townsend takes a publicity photo of Tom Davis (Luther Billis) and Colleen Meade Ripper (Bloody Mary). We ran Act II tonight for the first time and it really went quite well. There’s a lot of comedy and a lot of drama in Act II as South
Read more →Kathleen Duffy (Nellie Forbush – in the gray long-sleeved tee) and members of the Womens’ Ensemble practice the dance for “I’m Gonna Wash That Man Right Outta My Hair.” Before my rehearsal last night I watched Kathleen Duffy (Nellie Forbush) and the Womens’ Ensemble practicing “I’m Gonna
Read more →Thursday night is Stage Night at the Guild. At least on most Thursday nights the “stage guys” assemble at the Guild to either tear down the last show, build up the next show, or tend to stage and shop problems. From time to time, they also do
Read more →Moving around the room, starting from the bottom left, Ross Grossman’s legs, Chris Boudreau, Diane Cliff, Diane Kaplan, Jeff Bartos, Steve Gautreau, John Sczomak, Alan Ellias, and James Mayne at the Debriefing for The 39 Steps. Shortly after a show ends, James Mayne, our Production Governor, convenes
Read more →Director Brian Townsend, left, gives a blocking direction to Kevin Talanges (Cable) on the Guild stage. Blocking rehearsals can be tedious, but with Brian Townsend directing, they are usually fun and filled with laughter. Brian has done a lot of planning for this show, scheduling the rehearsals
Read more →Pictured above, left to right, Alia Elhajj as Jerome, Jamie Paschke as Ngana, Julie Malloy, Music Director, and Mike Moseley as Emile De Becque, rehearsing the Opening – Dites Moi. When Alia was pondering about whether or not to play a boy she thought about it a
Read more →The cast met for the first time on Monday evening. Everyone was there and there was an electric excitement in the Guild’s Clubroom as new members met old members and friends greeted friends. There was business to be done. New members went through the dues collection process.
Read more →Tuesday, September 16, was the second night of auditions. We had about 15 new people so things progressed a bit slowly. Again, there were many talented singers and actors. About 10:30, the Casting Committee dismissed us and settled down to task of casting the show. This can
Read more →Last night was the first night of auditions for the Guild’s production of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s South Pacific. There was a really good turn-out … about 35 adults and five children. There were many new faces and a lot of talent. Following the children’s auditions, the men
Read more →The following are FaceBook posts about the 2014 edition of Starshine. August 4 – John Sczomak posted “Morris Goodman was always a big supporter of the Starshine Theatre Workshop. I hope he would approve. The first day after a year off was great, thanks to the
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