a farce by Derek Benfield
Pete and George are old friends. In fact, such good old friends that George has been Pete’s best man at both of his weddings. Pete, now happily married to Sarah, is appalled when George arrives with the news that his first wife Jessica was not killed in a climbing accident as they had thought, but is alive and well and keen to resume her life with Pete! This unexpected revelation leads to a series of hilarious situations as Peter and George try to find a way out of this desperate plight without upsetting either of Pete’s wives or his second wife’s powerful mother. Produced in cooperation with Samuel French.
On Our Stage in Our 85th Season
January 11–13, 18–20 and 25–27, 2013
Fridays and Saturdays at 8:00pm. Sundays at 2:30pm.
Production Team:
Producers, Marni Hack and Mike Mayne
Director, Jeff Bartos *
Assistant Director, Chris Boudreau
Stage Manager, Mike Kinnell
Set Design, Kirk Haas
Master Carpenter, Gordon Mosley
Lighting & Sound, David Reynolds, II *, Chris Boudreau, and Mike Kinnell
assisted by Members of the Lights & Sound Committee
Set Construction, Chuck Bollman, Chris, Luke, and Molly Boudreau, John Calder, Diane and Josh Cliff, Pat Denyer, Stan LaFramboise, Kirk Haas, Ken Maniac, Mike Mayne, Gordon Mosley, John and Lois Sczomak, David Reynolds, II, Kurtys Hipkins, and David Wood
Set Painting, Diane Cliff, Kirk Haas, Mike Mayne, John Sczomak, and David Wood
Hair & Makeup, Fran Stempek
Costumes, Shari Mayne
assisted by Inez Hernandez, Mary Calder, Patricia LaFranboise, and Diana Reynolds
Properties, Tim Carney and Sydnee Rider *
assisted by Mary Ann Denyer and Diane Cliff
Publicity, Lindsey MacDonald, Marni Hack, and Meredith Ferry
Programs, Brian Townsend and Kori Bielaniec
Tickets, Megan Lizbinski and Nick Beavens
AfterGlow/Cast & Crew, Tim Carney
50/50 and Intermission, Richard Moore and members of the Guild
Ushers, Mike Mayne, Shari Mayne, Tom Sparrow and members of the Guild
Sarah, Andrea Hoglen
Pete, Lindel Salow *
Margot, Margaret Kinnell *
George, Matt Ripper **
Jessica, Kathleen McClain
Alan, Ross Grossman
* Denotes 2012-2013 PAGE Award Nominee
**Denotes 2012-2013 PAGE Award Winner
Photography by – and Courtesy of – Marni Hack