The 2013 Annual Meeting of The Players Guild of Dearborn was held on Saturday evening, June 8, at the Henry Ford Centennial Library. We had the best turn out for an Annual Meeting that we’ve had in recent years. Several members suggested that perhaps we should meet at the library every year.
It was announced that a quorum was present and the minutes of the 2012 meeting were approved as printed.
Joe Donovan, Chair of the Finance Committee, gave a report on the Guild’s robust financial condition. This has put the Guild in a great position to undertake the renovation activities now in progress.
President John reported that Starshine workshop is on hold until the renovation activities are clarified. There is some hope of having the workshop in late August.
Valerie Haas, Director of the Guildlings summer show Born in a Trunk, talked about the show and the rehearsals in progress at the Dearborn Congregational Church on Rotunda Drive. The church is providing the rehearsal space free of charge. Thank you, church. The show goes up in July at the Henry Ford Centennial Library.
Bob Jones, Casting Governor, thanked the members of his committee and spoke of plans for the coming season.
Pat Denyer, Chair of the Building Committee, gave a PowerPoint presentation which focused on work being done at the building by members of the committee. He singled out the work of David Wood. Dave has done a fabulous job on building repairs and in being our connection with the various renovation contractors. Dave says, “There is always something to do at the Guild.”
The aforementioned Dave Wood gave his Stage Governor’s report which featured a listing of some of the things they had to build in the past season. Dave says, “We build things up and tear them down.”
James Mayne gave his Production Governor’s report in a video presentation as he was unable to be at the meeting.
Frann Stempek, Guild Historian, talked about the work of her committee on the collection of records and memorabilia that have been moved to her home. Frann said that she and her committee are looking for volunteers to help with this work. They hope to eventually move the items back to the Guild.
Meredith Ferry gave her Publicity Governor’s report in which she thanked the members who helped her during the past year.
In the Membership Governor’s report, I announced that we ended the year with 291 members, 16 more than we ended with in 2012. Renewal forms have been mailed.
Jeff Bartos, Costume Governor, gave his report which focused on thanking the many members of his committee for helping to dress and undress our actors.
Jeff Ostrowski, our representative to DCAC, gave a PowerPoint presentation on the Council’s activities.
Michael Bollman, Hair and Makeup Governor, thanked the members of his committee for their help during the season.
Tim Carney, House and Hospitality Governor, thanked the members of his committee who helped with AfterGlows, Cast and Crew parties, and the Annual Party.
Sally Goodman, Script Governor, thanked the members of her committee and reported that the committee had read more than 40 plays in selecting the 2013-14 season. The committee will meet tonight for the first look at 2014-2015.
MaryAnn Denyer, our Properties Governor, used PowerPoint to review the work of her committee during the season and in preparation for the renovation activities. The prop closets had to be emptied to allow for the work on the clubroom floor. Props are now either on wagons in the back hall, in the basement, or in one of the storage PODs.
The Programs and Advertising Governor, Kori Bielaniec, thanked the members of her committee and talked about her plans for more color printing of program covers in 2013-2014.
Richard Moore, Ways and Means Governor, reported on a very successful fund-raising effort which came in at more than $20,000 over budget. Richard also talked of fund raising plans for the coming year. The Sponsor-A-Seat program will continue until all of the seats in the house have a sponsor tag on them. Members, patrons, and friends of the Guild are being invited to Sponsor-A-Seat with a $300 donation. Donations on a payment plan will be accepted.
Megan Lizbinski, Ticket Governor, reported that the Guild would be utilizing the Vendini ticketing system in 2013-14. Vendini will utilize online ticketing in which buyers will be able to select their seats and print their tickets. The system also makes uses of modern marketing techniques. Megan’s excited.
Mike Moseley and Mike Mayne, Co-Chairs of the Marketing Committee reported on their activities and plans for the coming year. They played some of the videos that Mayne is preparing for use on the Guild’s website. The light-hearted shop video is hysterical, but it’s one of those “… you had to have been there” things.
Richard Moore gave an excellent report on the renovation activities. He said that, “at the present time, everything is on schedule.” Keep your fingers crossed.
President John announced that Mike Moseley won the election for Publicity Governor. He welcomed Shari Mayne, the new Membership Governor. Shari and Mike Moseley are the only changes in Governors this year.
President John gave his report which featured a multiple choice quiz about the events of the year at the Guild. Again, “… you had to have been there.”
Following all the reports, there was a brief discussion about ways to honor members who have been important to the Guild in significant ways. There was another brief discussion about marketing the Sponsor-A-Seat program.
The meeting adjourned about 9:30PM.