

During the weekend of April 5, 6, and 7, work continued on the set and set pieces for A Little Night Music at the Players Guild of Dearborn. There is still a lot to be done and some people are beginning to get nervous. This is something that usually happens about three weeks from an opening. But, it’s a fact. There’s a lot left to do. So, if you’re a Guild member, come on down any night about 6:30PM for the next two weeks and give the crew a hand. If you’re not a Guild member, come on down and join the fun.

Sunday’s rehearsal was devoted to polishing scenes. Director Harold Jurkiewicz ran scenes over and over again, adding little things that improve the play. A movement here. A gesture there. A little longer cross. A quicker turn. A different posture on a couch. A changed sitting angle. All these little changes make the scenes more real and more life-like.

A theatre friend of mine used to say that people have bubbles around them. A shy person’s bubble prevents them from being or seeming to be “big.” Shy people need to learn to “push the bubble” if they’re playing a “big” person. The big person needs to learn to “pull the bubble in” if the character being played is shy or quiet. Harold is very good a “managing his bubble” and, from time to time during a rehearsal, he will demonstrate the way he wants a line read or an entrance made. It’s fun to watch him work.

The call has also gone out for people to usher during the 12 performances of the show. While many Guild patrons don’t need ushers as they have been sitting in more-or-less the same seats for a number of years, we still try to have at least four ushers per performance in order to take care of special situations and to help new audience members find their seats.

Rehearsals will continue during the week of April 7 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

A Little Night Music opens on Friday, April 26 at the Players Guild of Dearborn. Click here for more information and to order tickets online.