We’re going to do this, people. The photos show that were pretty much “on schedule” to complete the renovation to the point that our season opener, The Fantasticks, can be presented at The Guild.
One photo shows the Clubroom all primed for the final painting. Dave Wood is applying the first coat of new paint to the peak of the ceiling. Sorry about the blurry photo. I was nervous with Dave way up there. Look at that nice, level floor!
Another photo shows the auditorium almost totally ready for the new seats. And, “yes.” That’s green paint. It will be spectacular with the new green seats. Seat installation is scheduled to begin on August 27.
Now, help is still needed. Clubroom painting will take place this Saturday, August 24 beginning at 9:00AM and continuing until the work of the day is finished.
Cleaning of the basement and other parts of The Guild will also take place on Saturday. A lot of areas in The Guild are very dusty because of the grinding of the auditorium floor. Bring your buckets and your cleaning rags.
Saturday is your opportunity to participate in this historic renovation project. Be a member! Do your share of the work necessary to make our home “ready for business” on September 13, opening night.
Just Do It!!!
Let’s Hear It for Dave Wood
Dave Wood, our current Stage Governor, has been like some sort of “driven person” during our renovation activities. He has been all over the place and doing all kinds of things.
He lets contractors in the building. He locks up after they leave. He finds them things they need, especially fans.
When he’s not helping the contractors he has been doing all kinds of cosmetic things in the lobby, the back hall, and the back vestibule.
He put the primer coat of paint in the Clubroom practically by himself. OK, Chris Boudreau and President John did the upper portion of the fireplace wall.
Dave Wood! You rock!
Join us on Saturday. We hope to see you AT THE GUILD.