Pictured above, left to right, Alia Elhajj as Jerome, Jamie Paschke as Ngana, Julie Malloy, Music Director, and Mike Moseley as Emile De Becque, rehearsing the Opening – Dites Moi. When Alia was pondering about whether or not to play a boy she thought about it a lot. Finally, she told her mother, “Well, nobody wants to play the wicked witch, but somebody has to do it. I’ll be Jerome.”
The early rehearsals have been focused on music. Music Director, Julie Malloy, is something special. She smiles. She scowls. She teases. She jokes. She demonstrates. “Stand up.” “Sit down.” “Bad ends with a d.” “Push the note up.” “Softer.” “Louder.” “Watch for the cut-off.” Teaching. Teaching. Teaching. She is what a music director is supposed to be. The rehearsals are intense and productive, but lots of fun.
Both ensembles sound great. There are some wonderful songs in the show for ensembles. There Is Nothin’ Like A Dame and Bloody Mary are two of the great Broadway male chorus numbers. I’m Gonna Wash That Man Right Outta My Hair and I’m In Love With A Wonderful Guy give the girls a chance to “sing out.”
And then there’s Some Enchanted Evening, You’ve Got To Be Taught, Bali Ha’i, Happy Talk, Cockeyed Optimist, and a score of others which make this show special for the singers.
The blocking will begin soon.