Director Brian Townsend takes a publicity photo of Tom Davis (Luther Billis) and Colleen Meade Ripper (Bloody Mary).
We ran Act II tonight for the first time and it really went quite well. There’s a lot of comedy and a lot of drama in Act II as South Pacific races to its conclusion. I was surprised by how well our actors seemed to remember their blocking as it’s been more than a week since some of the blocking rehearsals. There hasn’t been a lot of progress on learning lines yet, but that will come. It always does.
Prior to the rehearsal, Director Brian Townsend took some publicity photos.
Brian Townsend shooting Colleen Meade Ripper (Bloody Mary), Kevin Talanges (Lieutenant Cable) and Alyssa Alonte (Liat).
On Sunday, we will try and run Act I. After that, it will pretty much be “run the show.” Fourteen rehearsal nights left before opening night.